Why “additionality” is becoming critical to energy procurement As the European Commission wrangles over important hydrogen legislation, one concept is at the heart of the debate: additionality. A coalition of climate... 2 Minutes reading
Time to act: why energy suppliers will soon have to improve their data offering Regulatory changes on the horizon mean that energy retailers should get ready to offer non-domestic customers better quality data. A UK government... 3 Minutes reading
The five questions customers are asking energy retailers: do you have the answers? The energy retail market is going through a turbulent time, with many suppliers pushed out of business by soaring gas prices. But alongside the immediate ups... 3 Minutes reading
Greenwashing and transparency in the energy market - Why your business energy supply may not be as clean as you think If you’re one of the many businesses working towards a net zero emissions target, switching to a green electricity supply will be one of the first things on... 3 Minutes reading
Green as can be! Stroomranking 2021 is out now. At ENTRNCE, we like a good end-of-year ranking list just as much as the next group of people. In the Netherlands, one of the more prominent lists in... 2 Minutes reading