Carbon Monitor

Prove the carbon-saving credentials of CHP, in real time.

If your business offers Combined Heat and Power, is it becoming harder to explain the carbon benefits?

What if you could prove its continuing role in the clean energy transition, and take away some of the misconceptions about CHP?

Get to know our specialists

Introducing the ENTRNCE Carbon Monitor

The Carbon Monitor is a new web-based data platform for CHP providers. It calculates the half-hourly carbon footprint of CHP versus gas boilers and grid electricity.

The tool is the first of its kind and proves when CHP is the greenest option.

Grid carbon intensity varies hour by hour, due to the intermittency of renewables and the varying supply from fossil fuel generators. Comparing the carbon footprint of onsite CHP with grid electricity has always been inaccurate, and relied upon average grid carbon intensity figures.

Until now… The Carbon Monitor captures real-time data on the GHG emissions produced by a CHP in operation, every 30 minutes. It compares this with the actual carbon intensity of the grid during those times. It shows the number of half-hourly periods when the CHP in operation was cleaner – or dirtier – than using conventional sources of heat & power.

You get a clear picture of the total carbon saved when the CHP unit was operating. You get the data you need to make the sustainable business case for CHP.

Benefits for CHP solution providers

  • Web-based data platform, accessible from anywhere
  • Compare CHP’s emissions vs conventional gas and grid power, every 30 minutes
  • Get a clear, honest picture of the total carbon saved when the CHP was operating
  • Make the business case for maintaining – not removing – CHP plant
  • Demonstrate CHP’s continuing role as a vital energy transition technology
    Monitor the emissions of your entire CHP fleet

Make the business case for maintaining CHP.

The Carbon Monitor lets the numbers do the talking. The data from the Carbon Monitor will show your clients the business case for maintaining their CHP asset rather than replacing it. Depending on the data, it might even make the case for investing in a new system, and determine when a transition towards hydrogen becomes relevant.

Make strategic decisions about your CHP Fleet

The Carbon Monitor will also help you track the emissions of your entire CHP fleet. You’ll get the data you need to make more informed strategic decisions, that futureproof your business.

Accurate, independent data might be the best sales tool of all.



Get in touch for a free demonstration of the Carbon Monitor

We’ll be at the Distributed Energy Show on 13th and 14th March! Come and see us on stand 8027.