Accelerating the energy transition together

As local energy market experts and innovators in platform technology, we are accelerating the energy transition by preparing energy systems across Europe for future decentral markets.

Accelerating the energy transition

Accelerating the energy transition with platform technology

Find out how

It's our mission to facilitate market participants to consume local renewable energy when it’s readily available. Are you ready to accelerate?

The energy transition. What drives us.

Due to the energy transition, we see a changing playing field. New players are emerging on the market. Prosumers want to be able to trade their generated electricity to third parties. Consumers want to have control over the purchase of energy. Energy communities want to be self-sufficient and establish local energy markets. Energy suppliers are challenged to provide insight into sustainability and transparency regarding the origin of energy.

All this requires smart solutions. 

And that is what we at ENTRNCE are good at and what drives us every day. Devising smart digital solutions that contribute to accelerating the energy transition, so that the climate goals can be achieved. We do this together with our customers. We develop future-proof market models and link them to the current energy market. These new models can already be used by market parties today.

With our platform we connect energy markets.

We connect the central and decentralized energy markets, link market mechanisms and offer generators, consumers and market parties opportunities for energy trading. This also stimulates the decentralized trading of energy, so that locally generated energy is used more and more optimally. ENTRNCE wants to make the energy system future-proof in a way that energy supply is sustainable, reliable and affordable. Energy for everyone, at the right time and in the right place.

Some nice facts about our company


Team members




White label clients

Meet the people who will make it happen for you

profielfoto Auke

Auke te Winkel

IT Developer

“If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well”.
Together with our development team and driven by a passion for the transition to a sustainable society, I try to put this into practice by delivering high quality software that will accelerate the energy transition."

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Rob van der Horst

Rob van der Horst

Director New Business

“I strongly believe in empowering people to be the best they can be and building successful companies on that foundation. Creating real impact for the energy transition is what drives me and my team at ENTRNCE.”

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profielfoto Vivian

Vivian Rispens

Inbound marketer

"For me it's all about connection. Being connected with the people in my (working) life is key to make a difference. To know what makes them happy, what their concerns are or what drives them. That way I can contribute to the next step of my friends, colleagues or clients in their journey. When not at work, you can find me running around managing the kids, hiking or running in the woods, sailing on a catamaran, reading books about personal growth or watching a movie in the theater. Let’s connect!"

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Meet the Advisory Board

Angelique Kuut

Angelique Kuut

Member ENTRNCE Advisory Board

In addition to her role as Member of the Advisory Board at ENTRNCE, Angelique Kuut also fulfills the position of Country Success Manager at Siemens Nederland N.V. Within the Board of Directors, she is responsible for 'Sustainability' and 'Government Affairs' and is also Program Manager of seven Net op Zee projects. Within Siemens she also led the business unit Digital Grid.

Before Siemens she worked for more than ten years in the sustainable energy sector for, among others, Eneco and Vattenfall in various (international) roles at executive level. Before entering the energy sector, Angelique worked in various commercial leadership roles within the IT, cable and e-commerce sector including Casema (now Ziggo), Intergraph and Greetz.

Digitization and innovation are a common thread in her career. She thrives in environments in transition and companies that are on the move. Angelique's strength lies in achieving business goals by focusing on the people and not just on the goals themselves. By quickly establishing a clear vision, she and the team jointly shape a targeted implementation.

Angelique has amongst others studied Economics at the University of Amsterdam, NIMA-C, Sustainable Energy and obtained a bachelor degree in Strategic Marketing Management & Environmental Management.

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How ENTRNCE suits your organisation

ENTRNCE is the first independent platform that supports any thinkable bilateral power trade. It executes direct administration and financial transactions between generators and users, regardless of their location. Completely transparent and fully in accordance with the rules and timing of the energy market.

Got an energy challenge? Let’s help you

Let’s discover a better energy future. Reliable and transparent software, facilitating future-proof energy systems. Enabling energy  systems that are simplified, beneficial and sustainable for all.
